Where to learn catalan for free in Barcelona?

Moving to a new place is always a challenge. Not only because you leave behind family, friends and the "familiar'', but also because when you arrive in a new place you will have to face new customs, culture and languages. In this article, we will give you some recommendations so that you can adapt in a better way and learn this language for free.
Catalan is a very old language that evolved from Latin. Today, it is spoken by more than 12 million people in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia. It is also spoken in parts of France, Aragon and Italy. If you come to study while staying in your Monthly Rental apartment, it is highly recommended that you can learn this language because it will make it easier for you to study some of your subjects.
The good news is that in Barcelona there are several alternatives to learn Catalan for free or at a very low cost. There are several centres and options that offer quality material for very little money or even for free.
Our main recommendation is to join El Consorci per a la normalització lingüística, which is a body made up of the Generalitat de Catalunya, town councils, county councils and provincial councils that organises Catalan courses for adults from the age of 16/18 at all levels. From beginners to advanced levels in most towns and cities in Catalonia, you can choose whether you want to attend the course face-to-face or by distance learning. In this way, you can choose the centre that suits you best depending on where you live.
Another alternative for you to learn Catalan totally online is to go to the Parla.cat website, which offers four levels of learning and each one is organised into 3 grades, which last approximately 45 hours over 3 months. You also have the possibility of choosing the modality. You can choose the free mode (to learn in a totally autonomous way) or the guided mode (with the help of a specialised tutor). It is important to note that the free mode is the only one that is completely free of charge.
Finally, there are other interesting and low-cost alternatives for learning Catalan, such as some applications like Book 2 or 50 languages compatible for iPhone and Android, in which you do not need a base or previous knowledge to learn the language.
Now you know, you have the knowledge and the alternatives at hand. Now it's up to you
Good luck!