Solidarity project: aTemporal collaborates with KMS XL Lupus

Pep Vega, Founder of the KMS XL Lupus Organization, has always been linked to sports and a healthy lifestyle. He was born in Sant Vicenç de Montalt and decided to embark on this solidarity project after the death of his mother in 1997 due to the disease, which to this day has no cure.
In this line, Pep explains that "from that very day, after living this experience, the most dramatic and traumatic of my life, I was very aware that I wanted to do something to return all the effort, care and treatment made by doctors, nurses and hospital staff, to take care of my mother and her close family''.
This is how KMS XL Lupus was born in collaboration with ACLEG (Catalan Lupus Association) with Dr. Ricard Cervera Segura, president of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Catalan Association of Generalized Lupus Erythematosus (ACLEG) and Tuga manufacturer of custom sportswear.
From aTemporal Monthly Rentals, they wanted to contribute to this important solidarity project with a donation. In this line, the director of the firm, Quico Marín explained that ''we want to start building a network of collaborations with associations of this type. Today, we are at the beginning, but it is one of our short-term objectives. We have other collaborations with hospitals in the pipeline, and the collaboration with KM XL Lupus in particular is also a particular commitment of the company and its managers''.
For his part, Pep Vega valued the contribution of aTemporal Monthly Rentals, stressing that "thanks to this type of collaboration, it allows us to reach more people to raise awareness of Lupus disease, as well as to contribute to Lupus research, which are the two main objectives of the project".
Last Saturday, May 20, the first Goles XL Lupus Solidarity Match took place, with the active participation of aTemporal director Quico Marín. "It was an opportunity to share, celebrate sport and contribute to this wonderful cause,'' he said.
Valuing the work of individuals in this type of events and collaborations is one of Quico's main motivations; "people who dedicate a large part of their time to a social purpose, and in a totally altruistic way, is worthy of admiration. In the case of KMS XL Lupus, it touches us more closely because we have known Pep since childhood, and we know his motivation'', he explained.
Finally, Pep thanked aTemporal for its participation and called for more people and organizations to join this cause: "for me and for all the people who are part of this solidarity project, it means a lot that a company like aTemporal, which has no direct relationship with the disease, joins this action. In this way, we will reach a wider public to be able to count on more resources for research and cure''.