Atemporal closes a great 2020 and incorporates new talent and resources to face the challenges of 2021 with optimism

It was difficult for everyone to catalog this past 2020. COVID 19 arrived unexpectedly, a pandemic that has affected, in addition to health, the economy of all countries worldwide, the best of the year... we have already passed it.
Despite the dangerous scenario and thanks to teamwork, we were able to close 2020 above the goals set, demonstrating that a job well done, quality care, and excellent service were the keys that prevailed to achieve this result. "It has been a difficult few months for all of us. COVID 19 has tested us as people and as a company. Still, thanks to the speed of adaptation to new market changes, we have managed to close 2020 above initial expectations, without losing quality in our service and what is more important, growing and incorporating personnel, which makes us feel very proud'', emphasizes Quico Marín, founding partner of Atemporal.
The economic crisis that brought with it the pandemic undoubtedly affected the real estate market, affecting rental prices and generating a change in human behavior that substantially impacted real estate assets. This has forced the founders of Atemporal to rethink how to offer the leading products and strengthen everything that has to do with the purchase or "booking'' online, which has soared sharply in recent months.
In this line, Nacho Martinez Fortún, founding partner of Atemporal, explained that "our goal is to enhance our presence in the online environment adapting to the reality of the market and the main demands of our customers.our new website and CRM is already a reality, with it we will take a big leap in quality and SEO positioning''.
In this context, Atemporal was able to see opportunities in times of uncertainty, taking advantage of these last months to enhance the technological bet and develop various digital tools to strengthen and build customer relationships. An example of this is the virtual visits to the apartments by creating videos, creating different articles of interest through the blog, the weekly and informative publications on social networks, and the possibility of making online reservations.
"We believe that our ability and speed to adapt to the new challenges posed by the pandemic, changing our customer profile and our commercial margins, have been key in this whole process,'' highlights Quico Marín.
The future of the real estate market looks optimistic. However, experts from the Instituto de Valoraciones say that the pandemic's effects will continue to be present. Still, it is expected that with the arrival of the vaccine everything will begin to "reactivate''. It is likely that new needs will be generated on the part of clients, such as the search for replacement housing in sectors of Barcelona that are not very populated, seeking more extensive, more open, and more economical spaces. There has also been a growing increase in the supply of properties on the market, because many tourist-type homes have preferred to switch to the seasonal rental model.
For this 2021, Atemporal has decided to integrate new talents to the team to grow the business and face the unique challenges and projects established for this period.
"We will continue to build on solid foundations such as transparency, ethics, and attitude. The challenges are enormous, and we must be alert to see how the market evolves in the coming months, continue to adapt as quickly as possible, staying ahead of our competitors and differentiating ourselves from them in terms of service,'' Quico emphasizes.
The founders of Atemporal are grateful for their trust in them by both tenants and landlords and encourage them to continue working together. ''First of all, thank you for trusting us, and tell you that we will continue to give you an even better service than we have given you so far. We work every day to make the Atemporal experience more than satisfactory for both,'' Nacho concludes.